In helping you get focused, get on track, and get back to profitable growth this blog is part 4 of a 12 part series providing more detail supporting the Business Change Flow presented on my web site, Center for Managing Change.

The previous blog in this series talked about 3 Ideas To Get Focused For Profitable Growth. That and the previous two blogs provide a basis to determine, a frame of mind, for moving into change. In this blog I’d like to discuss 7 Ideas For Staying Sane When You Implement Changes and how to build a paradigm, a frame of mind that will help you implement change, a change that moves the boundaries and shifts the thinking, bringing you and your team to a new state, a new paradigm. A paradigm that fits with and drives the profitable growth.

  1. Let go and let the process unfold. Change does not go in a straight line. If it did you could control it. Trying to control it in order to get a one-for-one return on every step you invest will simply create frustration. Control will return as the solution emerges.
  2. Practice governance. The rock group 38 Special said it best, “Hold on loosely, don’t let go. If you squeeze too tight you’re going to lose control.” In line with step 1. shepherd the process keeping it within the boundaries you’ve set for the changes.
  3. See what others think. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and getting input from those close to the situation you can trust.
  4. Practice some faith and take a risk. This is in line with step 2. Let go of getting upset with every little down turn or wanting to break out the champagne with each positive action that occurs. Breathe.
  5. Trust your team. If you don’t trust yourself and your team then don’t try making changes. Replace and regroup as needed.
  6. Keep you eye on the goal. Everything done should be gauged by whether or not the action is taking you closer or farther away from your stated goals.
  7. Go a little slower, a little more deliberately. This will get you where you want to go the fastest because it supports staying aware of what actions were taken, what the consequences were, and what the next step should be. Going too fast can push you into reactivity where you stay stuck trying to fix what ever is in front of you that currently isn’t working. Not good.

Some of this may seem counter-intuitive but believe me, it works. If you really get into this frame of mind you’ll position yourself to get the most down with the resources available. You’ll also see where change orders may be needed in order to move forward.

In order to implement change it is important to have a good schedule. To learn more about this read the next blog in this series, 7 Important Reasons For Having A Schedule.

Also, for more information regarding change management and how you can get your arms around it download my free e-book, Mindset – 5 Simple Ways To Look At Complex Problems.

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