Today’s expert is Chris Borja, Networking consultant and guru. Chris will talk about what it takes to make

lasting connections that provide value. This includes issues of being open, honest, and vulnerable so trust can be generated. It’s this trust that drives building relationships and, ultimately, commerce.

Chris talks about his personal journey and how it led to building his business. This includes his initial difficulties with shyness and connecting with others and communicating, which he overcame to become an industry leader in networking.

One value of becoming good at networking is the stress of it all can drop away and you no longer feel like you are working…it’s your life and you are living it!

Chris emphasizes people do business with those whom they know, like, and trust. We don’t have to be perfect to help someone else and build a connection.

It is important to remember that others frequently are uncomfortable with networking, an awareness that can help ease your way when it comes to networking. In line with this, Chris advises thinking about the other person and that you might be able to put them at ease by reaching out and introducing yourself.

In terms of his own career, Chris took a risk and just started doing networking workshops and…well…people showed up!

One important key, that seems counter-intuitive, that is a secret to effective networking is listening. This increases the chance of getting more information that’s important to you.  So instead of, “How am I going to get _____?” what works better is asking/answering the question, “Can I see the other person?”

Chris cautions that networking isn’t about transactional swapping of goods, services, money, etc. It’s more about making connections because someone at the event may know someone who needs your services or who can provide the services you are looking for. He does this at his networking events with his popular “black belt” activity.

Working with social media is discussed, including two approaches:

– how can I get what I want? versus

– can I find interesting people and what can I do for them? How can I attract them?

People want to be seen.

One big benefit of using social media to make connections is it can filtering into other aspects of life in terms of actually meeting with people, social events, etc.

Chris discusses the differences between Facebook and LInkedIn with Facebook being more social-oriented and LinkedIn being more business-oriented. Keep in mind, regardless of which platform is being used “know your audience” is important advice to follow.

The importance of having an active presence on LinkedIn is discussed. It can help stay current with what is going on in people’s lives.

The value of networking when making career changes, job-hunting, or life changes is discussed. And, if one has never used social media before then look for a mentor, whether it is a close friend or hiring a coach. If nothing else, just start by trial-and-error.

The conversation turns to Chris’s networking workshops.

As to the mechanics of social media activity: if nothing else, follow what other successful people do.

The emotional side of networking is emphasized, the fact the limbic system (emotional  system) ultimately makes decisions not the rational part of the brain.

In line with the emotional side of decision making it is important to be genuine and show a part of yourself so others can understand who you are. Be human rather than trying to be perfect!

The show closes out with discussion on the importance now of live video on social media.

Listen for future podcasts on networking with Chris Borja!

You can reach Chris to get more information on his virtual or in-person networking services, training, and networking events at:

(c) 614-330-7735

For more information on the “8 Steps From Chaos To Clarity and Calm: CEO Advanced Training” go to

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